Dear DADA folk,
We met last week and mostly discussed the new development proposals for Preston Market. The notes are attached.
On Monday night, I met with a group, People for Preston Market, to discuss how we can have a say in what is built on that site.
We could agree that we did not want to see 2 x 28 story buildings taking up most of the current market precinct and that we, like many of you want to see the soul of the market maintained.
What is important to the ‘soul’ of Preston Market, that thing we want most to preserve? Please send me you ideas.
Happy reading!
Meeting Notes: July 9, 2014
Present: Stuart Midgley, Marion Coffey, Keith Coffey, Craig Walters, Chris Erlandson, Maria Poletti, Apologies: Sally Mendes, Laara Eames, James Dodson, Nola Martin
1. Business Arising:
a. Ask for a report of the expenditure of the developers contribution levy.
Action: Bo will ask a question at council.
b. Action: Craig, Robin Scott letter to ask question in parliament.
c. Action: Reminder to push for a much better planning register. When budget time comes up we should go in and bat on behalf of the planning department.
d. Darebin Planning Dept‟s proposed Governance Charter.
Action: for Maria to follow up on research.
e. Trees, signs on trees in Carlton gardens showing their cost value over life-time,
Action: Maria to do same for street trees. Done but not hung.
f. Sending Robin Scott the panel submissions for information. Action: Maria
2. New Business:
a. Preston Market redevelopment: invitation to a meeting on Monday night with Mark Tregonning
and Jim Buckell who are concerned about the 28 storey‟s. Documents indicate concepts of over-development and super-development. Misleading statements about these super developments taking the pressure off development in the suburban streets. Noted that this development was not mentioned in any way at the Planning Panels Victoria hearings. Parking and congestion problems, especially on the supermarket side with the new development there. What we need is a master plan rather than seeing these developments in separate bits. Action: Maria to attend meeting and bring back information.
b. New Zoning wash-up: Darebin will have a direct translation from old to new which will amount to approx 30% NRZ as long as the caveated land is protected. If not probably approx 15% NRZ.
Action: Follow up on the Planning Panels Victoria and Standing Committee reports. Go to council meeting, and ask a question, 21st of July. Chris, Craig and Keith to formulate and put question.
3. Correspondence:
a. Reply from Mayor regarding our meeting on planning committee governance (see attachment)
b. Kelvin Thompson: application form for membership to Victoria First and copy of speech “Must Melbourne Keep Growing?” No action.
4. Council Report:
a. Council Meeting 16th of June, Item 903 amendments regarding participation in the standing committee on zoning. Also amendments on the Preston Market redevelopment.
5. Other:
a. Concern again about the removal of asbestos without the proper precautions, in houses being demolished.
6. Press:
a. Age article on new zones, emailed to contact list
b. Age: Re Preston Market redevelopment
c. The Leader: Preston Market redevelopment: Tuesday July 8th
7. Objector Updates:
a. 22 Sylvester Grove, Preston, granted by council, no further action.
b. On Plenty Road a new development with no little parking opposite Rene Street.
c. New development, overdevelopment, of old target site at Summerhill.
d. Gregory Grove, poring slab on what looks like a 3 dwelling development.
e. Darebin Boulevard: questions asked about concrete slabs against trees that were supposed to be protected.
8. Strategy Ideas;
a. Presenting Council with a bill for work done by objectors that should have been covered by
planning department
b. DADA awards for the „best‟ Darebin planning decisions, the Golden Guy award for development
monstrosities in Darebin 2014. Start collecting photos of nominations now.
c. Suggest we start thinking strategically about the state election and making links with the ALP shadow planning spokes person Tees.
9. Next Meeting:
7.00pm, Wednesday, August 13th at 33 Dean Street, Preston | Post