Application for Planning Permit D/766/2009 – 254-256 Murray Road, Preston VIC 3072 which is for the demolition of existing dwelling, construction of a three-story building comprising 16 dwellings and a basement car park directly next door to my property at 252 Murray Road.
For the benefit of those cc’d on this e-mail, I have summarised some of my objections below:-
• There is no precedent on Murray Road for atriple-story development and the proposal is completely out of character with the present streetscape. My property is an Edwardian weatherboard cottage which would be completely dwarfed by the proposed development.
• The shadow diagram at 3.00pm would block light and winter sun on the West-side of my property.
• Windows will overlook my property invading my privacy.
• The basement car park with entry/exit via rear laneway would cause extra noise and congestion in an already busy and narrow laneway.
• Visitors will be forced to park on Murray Road creating further competition for already limited spaces.
• There is very little open-space proposed. Of what space is proposed, it is around the perimeter of the building only creating potential for more noise.
• Proposal is set too far forward from existing house street frontages along Murray Road.
In summary, the proposal is too big, too modern and too ugly.
Yours faithfully,
David Isdale