Dear DADA folk,
Early June Darebin Council will release a new map, for comment, on a revisit to the planning scheme zoning schedule.
Darebin intends asking the Planning Minister, Richard Wynne to give us a fairer go with better protection under two new categories, NRZ1 and NRZ2. I believe NRZ1 will be duel occupancy with a level limit at 2 stories while NRZ2 will be a compromise with the current GRZ and will limit development to 4 dwellings but with an increase of private open space so that on smaller blocks that might mean fewer dwellings. NRZ2 will also limit heights to 2 stories.
- Here is the Darebin; Have Your Say link
Keep an eye out in June to see if your area will have improved protection from over-development under the new proposal.
You can help further by lobbing our local member, Robin Scott and the Planning Minister, Richard Wynne to help ensure State approval of the plan.
Tell Mayor Tsitas to step aside while he is being investigated
Today I have been sent a link to an online petition asking Darebin Mayor, Steven Tsitas to stand aside while he is being investigated over allegations of misconduct. At the moment Council is dysfunctional, transparency around decision making is lacking and meetings of only five Councillors are not fully representative. The Mayor standing aside may be the only way to get proper processes moving again and ensure the legitimacy of decisions made.
Have a lovely weekend and stay warm.