The proposed East West Link is going to have a negative impact on so many aspects of Melbourne’s livability.
Please support the petition attached relating to the impact on the zoo.
THIS FROM JULANNE BELL OF PPL VIC INC. Asking for people to sign this petition on behalf of Friends of the Zoo re the impact of the east west link ramps next to the zoo wall.
(I) Petition Originating with Friends of the Zoo on Impact on Zoo of East West Link
Thanks to Ms Petra Stock and Ms Katerina Gill of North Carlton, members of Friends of the Zoo, who organised the petition concerning the threat to the Zoo by the East West Link tunnel plus on/off ramps next the Zoo wall. Initially it could only be signed by Friends of the Zoo members but now it has been opened it up for members of the public to sign .
The petition is to “Jenny Gray, Chief Executive Officer,Zoos Victoria: Insist on rigorous investigation into the impacts of the East West Link on the Melbourne Zoo.” We know now what the access/exit ramps from the East West Link tunnel in close proximity to the Zoo walls will do to Zoo animals. (See below the two most recent articles – the links are given) It needs more than “rigorous investigation.” We can only hope that Zoo management will forward the petition to the responsible Minister or Ministers with the message “Scrap The East West Link!
Please sign the petition and forward onto any of your contacts or members of your group.
Here are some ways to access the petition:
– Google: east west zoo petition
– Go to:
– Or the longer link is:
Jenny Gray, Chief Executive Officer, Zoos Victoria: Insist on rigorous investigation into the impacts of the East-West Link on the Melbourne Zoo.
II Media – Articles on Threat to Zoo Animals on East West Link.
(1) The Age 4/10 “Fears of east west link impact on zoo animals” by Henrietta Cook and Richard Willingham
(2) The Age 5/10 “Hippos interrupted: tunnel stress fears for zoo higher orders “ by Squirrel Main