Developers have lodged plans for a 10 storey tower with 474 units and 11 shops on the former Smorgy’s site on the corner of Plenty Rd and Snake Gully Drive Bundoora. [map]
If you think that this is an over development and want to object then make sure each adult in your household fills in an objection form. You can get these from Darebin Council Planning Department by calling 8470 8850.
This application is no joke. It is serious. Darebin’s Planning Committee recently approved an 8 storey tower in a 5 storey zone – so we must make our voices heard or they could approve a 10 storey tower in this 3 storey area.
Please act today. We need 100 written objections to be heard by full council.
Some key planning grounds for objection to are:
- the plan fails to respect the low-rise neighbourhood character of the Bundoora area
- fails to preserve adequate mature tree coverage on site
- will impact on the health of mature gums on and near the site
- fails to provide adequate car parking for 474 units
- will adversly impact on Snake Gully Reserve & Bundoora Park
- will overlook childrens’ playgrounds in Bundoora Park
- will have unacceptable off-site traffic and noise impacts
- ignores current resident 1 zoning of the site
- excessive building bulk & overshadowing on park & housing
- exceeds the 3 storey vision for site in Council’s 2009 study
The Council deadline is the
28 May 2012.
If you’re concerned about overdevelopment in Bundoora Park call the Darebin Planning department on 8470 8850 and ask for an objection form for application number D/173/2011.
Call your La Trobe Ward Councillors:
Cr Gaetano Greco 0419 750 214
Cr Tim Laurence 0419 750 234
Cr Chiang 0419 764 245 or call the
Mayor Cr Tsitas on 0423 233 024