RBA Heritage Review Released At last the RBA Heritage Review has been released by Council. You can read it here:Item705AppendixC-PrestonMarketHeritageReviewRBA
Save Preston Market from Demolition Councilors Le Cerf and Rennie can be seen in the front of the vast crowd. If you are still with us vote to save Preston Market from demolition.
Keep Your election Promise! There is much independent evidence that Preston Market should not be demolished. Keep your election promise Councilor Amir.
Furthermore! Furthermore, DADA believes it is an abuse of power for a Councilor to suggest they may not vote in a particular way, due to criticism.
Preston Market Councilor Messina broke an election promise to SAVE Preston Market. She has voted twice with the Greens councilors against a heritage listing and against a heritage overlay.
Save our Preston Market Save our Preston Market Only if a council officer says I can.. Vote for a heritage overlay!