It is time to make another submission to try and get a better planning controls and more equitable protection from over development in Darebin.
The state government is calling for feedback on the suggested improvements recommended by the Managing Residential Development Taskforce.
We need to make our voice’s heard in equal or greater numbers than the developers and their representatives to have a chance of effecting change for better protection from over-development in our precious neighbourhoods.
I encourage you to make a short but assertive submission by 14 March, highlighting key concerns:
- Do review zoning across Melbourne for a more equal distribution of NRZ land
- Do discourage unoccupied dwellings
- Do reduce the maximum building footprint allowable for a single dwelling in the NRZ
- Do not remove the fixed control (mandatory height) from the neighbourhood residential zone (NRZ)
- Do not increase height in NRZ to 9 metres
- Do not delete reference to “four storey development” from the purpose of RGZ zone
- Do not change the purposes of the NRZ and RGZ.
- Do not allow (without public submissions sought) added exemptions in the neighbourhood zones (NRZ)
- Do not remove the permit trigger for lots under 500 sqm in the NRZ.
- Do introduce the density control into the NRZ schedule but fix the control (i.e. make it mandatory instead of the suggested ‘flexible’ control)
Three report documents are here.
You can make a submission online before 5pm on Monday 14 March 2016
Further info on the process from Kieran Perkins, Senior Project Manager, Forward Policy and Research, Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning on (03) 9208 3725 or
Thanks for your support of better planning in Darebin.