Darebin Appropriate
Development Association
Web: https://www.darebinada.org
Meeting Notes: April 30, 2014 Present: Keith Coffey, Maria Poletti, Chris Erlandson, Sally Mendes, Craig Walters, David Keuneman Apologies: Marion Coffey
1. Business Arising:
a. Ask for a report of the expenditure of the developers contribution levy.
Action: Bo will ask a question at council.
b. VCAT has approved the Grandview application for pokies. Susan suggested a study on what happens to the local shops and impact on neighborhood character.
Action: Susan to talk to Bo Li
c. Action: Craig, Robin Scott letter to ask question in parliament.
d. Action: Maria to draft a letter asking councilors to ensure that our third party objector rights are not removed in the schedules.
Action: put it to Darren Rudd Action: ask Ian Wood for his model
e. Action: Reminder to push for a much better planning register. When budget time comes up we should go in and bat on behalf of the planning department.
f. Planning Panels Victoria, Darebin Planning Scheme Amendments C136, C137, C138.
Action: Ask Darren Rudd about the New Zoning Committee and can we have representation Action: Ask to be sent a copy of the Panel’s report as early as possible. Maria Action: Attach copies of DADA member presentations. Action: Check the new draft zone map and see if your street is protected under the NRZ
g. Darebin Planning Dept’s proposed Governance Charter.
Action: for Maria to follow up on research.
h. Amendment C144 new zones
Action: Maria to send out link and something written for people to make submissions.
i. Minister Guy letter on new zones. Done
Action: Maria to add in Chris’s suggestion. Send out to network to sign and send to the minister. Done
j. Asbestos still a huge issue in Darebin with development and renovations putting people who live in the neighbourhood at risk. Council and Worksafe need to be rung if you think there is a problem. The rule is that if you don’t know if it is asbestos you treat it as if it is. Best don’t go near it if you can help it.
Action: Keith to local paper. Worksafe visited Keith to check sample and said it was good that he followed through. Done
k. Trees, signs on trees in Carlton gardens showing their cost value over life-time,
Action: Maria to do same for street trees. Done
2. New Business:
a. Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee – Darebin Planning Scheme: meeting next
week. NRZ is the best protection for us from over-development. School zones work best to protect low income housing for families. This hearing is only addressing C144 general housing not the corridors of Plenty Road and St Georges Road which will be processed at a later date, post 1st of July. We need to continue to ask questions of the council as to why they are so miserly in only offering 36% NRZ.
Lack of public open space in East Preston, so there is an argument to preserve private open
space. Private open space need should take priority over public transport walking catchment
There is flexibility in applying the criteria for the NRZ and further criteria could be included
especially for Darebin. The high density zones are plenty for development.
Folk already living on a site that suffers in extreme conditions, floods etc will find development
around makes that worse.
No evidence of affordability in new developments.
b. Minister Guy meeting; ask for at least 70%, invite him to a DADA meeting. Action: Maria
c. Sending Robin Scott the panel submissions for information. Action: Maria
3. Correspondence:
a. Susan Rennie: research re the East West Link. Is anyone from DADA following this closely and /
or actively involved in the campaign? No. Action: Sally to follow up
b. Mary Drost: re offer to meet with the minister.
4. Council Report:
5. Other:
a. RACV Redspot survey, have your say online at redspotsurvey.com.au.
b. VCAT may be moving to the intercultural centre
c. Junction, rent reduction and free month rent signs on shop fronts
6. Objector Updates:
a. 22 Sylvester Grove, Preston, over 30 objections
7. Strategy Ideas;
a. Presenting Council with a bill for work done by objectors that should have been covered by
planning department
b. DADA on-line petition and in hard copy, Maria to send Nola a hard copy for printing as well as
developing the on-line petition.
8. Next Meeting: 7.00pm, Wednesday, May 28th at 33 Dean Street, Preston.