The above planning application has not yet been rejected by Darebin Council Planning Committee but the developer has filed an appeal at VCAT.
Details of how to file a Statement of Grounds are here:
(1) Choose one the following three options, in order of impact and workload
(a) do nothing
(b)write a “submission of grounds”,without speaking at the hearing
(c)write a “submission of grounds” and present/speak during the hearing.
Note that (a, b) anyone can attend the hearing , but (c) only those who ask to present
their statements are able to do so.
(2)For options (b) and (c) complete the accompanying “
- Your contact details
- postal address, contact phone number and email address
Note that email addresses are made available to all parties in the proceedings, and
facilitate electronic communication which is faster than delivering hard copy
documents sent by mail. These are usually positive outcomes.
- Tick the box “I do” or “I do NOT” intend to present (speak)
- Write your statement of grounds.
Assistance can be provided in the form of generic statements on the broad themes of;
overdevelopment, conflicts with local planning policy framework, other regulations
and policies, negative impacts upon the residents, immediate neighbours, current an
future generations of Darebin inhabitants, etc etc
- length of time to present, at least 20 mins and not “too long”
If you do not know what an expert witnesses is, the answer is “No”.
(3) Send a copy of your completed form
to VCAT and the two main parties involved in the
hearing, namely Darebin council and the appeal applicant. See below
subject: VCAT Form A Statement of Grounds (add name and number of application)
Dear VCAT Admin,
Please find attached a copy of my statement of grounds for this case
yours sincerely
subject: VCAT Form A Statement of Grounds, (add name and number of application)
Dear Darebin Planning,
Please find attached a copy of my statement of grounds for this case
yours sincerely
email: the applicant
subject: VCAT Form A Statement of Grounds, (add name and number of application)
Dear Applicant,
Please find attached a copy of my statement of grounds for this case.
Statement of Grounds proforma here: