Darebin Appropriate Development Association Charter (November, 2022) Since 2005 Darebin Appropriate Development Association DADA, is a group of residents of Darebin concerned with inappropriate development. DADA represents and provides assistance to residents who might feel unheard and powerless when development is happening near them. DADA acts to preserve the nature and character of our welcoming community and influence planning at all levels of government to ensure appropriate … Read More.. about About DADA
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On Advertising: 30th August 2019
If you would like some help objecting to an over-development near you please contact DADA.
Preston Market Heritage Hearing Report
The heritage hearing to determine if Preston Market is added to the Victorian Heritage Register was held on the 17th and 19th of August, 2019.
The registration committee were Mr Lindsay Merritt (Chair), Prof Stuart Macintyre, Ms Penelope Smith.
Submissions from DADA, Save our Preston Market, Darebin Ethnic Communities Council, Ethnic Communities Council Victoria, Mr Gaetano Greco, Mr Barry Pearce supported the application for registration and stressed the importance of Preston Market to the heritage of Victoria.
You can read the submission by the original architect and designers, BARRY PEARCE, Architect and Designer and DAVID RAYSON, Building Designer here:
You can read the DADA hearing submission here:
Read the submission on behalf of DADA and Save our Preston Market here:
We discovered, through the process, that Darebin Council still owns land titles in the market. We have asked the Darebin CEO and Mayor to clarify this.
The Heritage Council representative told the hearing that:
The former Broadhurst Tannery site is in the Victoria Heritage Inventory (H7922-0399).
Its significance is quite separate to Preston Market.
Archaeological investigation would be a Heritage Act Consent requirement for any disturbance or development work undertaken on the Inventory site that may affect historical archaeological remains associated with the former tannery.
The area also has blanket protection under the Act. Under the terms of the Act it is an offence to disturb any historical archaeological remains, even for a site that is not included on the Heritage Inventory, unless a Consent has been issued by the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria.
The Heritage Council has 90 days to make a determination.
On Advertising: Weekly Lists, 17th & 23rd August 2019
Below are the most recent lists of over-developments planned for our neighbourhood. If you would like help objecting to an over-development near you, please contact DADA via this website.
Preston Market Update: Preston Leader
The Preston Leader has the following article on their Facebook page. Happy reading.
Preston Market Update: 20th August 2019
At the planning committee meeting last night the majority of Darebin Councilors voted to effectively demolish Preston Market in favour of moving and rebuilding it, even though the most recent report commissioned by council says that the key attributes of the market cannot be preserved in a new building at a new site.
In consideration of a recommendation authored by the Coordinator Strategic Planning, amendments suggested by Councilor Greco to preserve the current market on the current site were rejected.
Representatives from community groups, DADA and Save our Preston Market, gave two minute presentations on the significance of the building fabric and the living cultural history embedded within it.
There was a third invitation made to council for a briefing from the original architects on the aesthetic and technological significance of the old market buildings.
DADA believes there are ethical concerns when council is willing to take a briefing from developers but will not hear from the original architects.
You can read the community submissions here:
Submission to Darebin Planning Committee 19082019Download
Submission to Darebin Planning Committee 19082019Download
You can watch the debate here:
Scroll down to Watch Council and Planning Committee Meetings and look for the Planning Committee Meeting dated 19th of August 2019. If you look carefully you will see some Councilors referring to a green paper. This is a paper that has not been shared with the community and is so far is not public. Secret council business?
You can read the final recommendation in the minutes here: http://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/Your-Council/How-council-works/Meeting-Agendas-and-Minutes/Council-Meeting
Maria Poletti
DADA President
Next DADA Meeting, 10th of September.
The next DADA meeting is planned for 7pm, September 10th at 572 Plenty Road, Preston. All welcome Hope to see you there.