Darebin Appropriate Development Association Charter (November, 2022) Since 2005 Darebin Appropriate Development Association DADA, is a group of residents of Darebin concerned with inappropriate development. DADA represents and provides assistance to residents who might feel unheard and powerless when development is happening near them. DADA acts to preserve the nature and character of our welcoming community and influence planning at all levels of government to ensure appropriate … Read More.. about About DADA
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Objection Update: Refusal 90 Wilson Boulevard RESERVOIR
Evidence that it is possible to object against subdivision, albeit under special circumstances
Number D/875/2015
Date 27/10/2015 8:36:22 AM
Location 90 Wilson Boulevard RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Variation to the wording of Part 1(c) of the Restrictive Covenant contained in Instrument No. 1173418, Vol. 08197, Fol. 738 to vary the reference from ‘and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on any one Lot…’ to and not more than three dwelling houses shall be erected on any one Lot…’
1 Council is not satisfied that the owners of the land benefited by the restriction contained in Certificate of title Volume 08285 Folio 503 (Instrument number A554128) will be unlikely to suffer any detriment of any kind as a consequence of the variation of the restriction, in accordance with section 60(5) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
2. Council is satisfied that ‘affected people’ in accordance with Clause 52.02 of Darebin Planning Scheme would likely suffer detriment as a consequence of the variation of the restriction.
Date Issued 25 July 2016
Meeting Notes: 11th October, 2016
Dear DADA Folk,
We met last night and talked until late. The notes are attached.
Happy reading.
Voting in the Council Election continues. We have done as much as we can to get a better council. Please use you vote wisely.
Follow the link for election information on the DADA website; https://www.darebinada.org/category/election
Cheers, Maria
Darebin Appropriate Development Association: Protect Your Community
Inc. No. A0094111Q
Web: https://www.darebinada.org
Meeting Notes: 11th of October, 2016
Present: Chris Erlandsen, Sally Mendes, Maria Poletti, Mandy Baird, Craig Walters, Meryl Waugh, Amy Stubberfield, Maria Drossos, Maria Xenitopoulos,
Apologies: Stewart Midgley, Susan Davies, Aurora Tonini,
Business Arising:
a. Sally suggested we go to town planner courses and ask if final year students will do pro-bono work on behalf of objectors. Action: Sally
b. Paypal account: Action: Craig will set up Paypal account and link it to the bank account.
c. Planning Backlash Bill of Rights support with Fiona Patten. Circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to invite Fiona Patten to a meeting and keep in mind the bill of rights to talk to. Action: Maria to notify Mary Drost of decision. Done
d. Darebin Councils move to reject DADA objections as a trigger for planning applications to go for review at Planning Committee. The DADA rule. Action: 1. Complaint; re the Councilor Code of Conduct. Maria to take to council and pay. Reimbursement to be decided later. Done, no cost, 2-4 weeks before we hear. Pathetic response from council discussed. We should have known. 2. Letter to the local council ombudsman. 3. Letter to Minister for local government. 4. Calling in on radio. Mandy to check how to submit to 3AW council watch. 5. Facebook users to respond to posts that ask questions. Further Action: Meryl and Sally and Susan to try and record the video of the meeting. Attempted but not possible.
e. Reply from council on the Code of Conduct complaint re change to planning committee charter. Discussed a lawyer’s letter to council given the motion is illegal under the Planning and Environment Act. Nicole will talk to Maria regarding lawyer support. Maria to ask Mark Tregonning if he might give us some pro-bono work. Leave until after the election. .
1. New Business
a. Save Preston Market Community Meeting feedback: Meeting organized by Darebin Progress Assoc, Darebin Network, DADA. Around 120 people a full venue. Marion Harper main organizer. Attended by Robin Scott, David Feanie, Mangers of Preston Market, Rod Quantock MC, Mani Spetteri; representing the stall holders. Chris spoke on behalf of DADA, his notes were attached to the last meeting notes. The managers of the market were invited to respond but they wouldn’t. Possibly because they were new. People really appreciated knowing what is going on though not all the detail is yet advertised At the moment the focus is on the upgrade. Next stage three buildings essentially along Murray Road at 8, 10 and 12 stories. There will be a cut in the parking. There was a meeting following the public meeting, on Monday, to plan for a meeting with Richard Wynne, the Planning Minister. The aim is to ask the Minister to call in the planning proposal. Idea to invite John Faine, to broadcast from the Preston Market. Another public meeting is planned at Preston Neighbourhood House to report back on the meeting with the Minister. Action: Maria to go back to find what is on advertising. Action: To push council to review the structure plan. Who?
b. Car parking at Preston Market: Council has taken over the car parking at the market and folk seem to be saying that it is difficult to understand. Shoppers need to know their car’s registration and add other personal details at the metres. No tickets issued. There appeared to be no warning of the change and little thought of folk who can’t speak English. It was reported that some staff were on site to help out on the first Saturday morning.
c. Election Strategy Debrief: Leaflets; How to Votes; Protests, my apology re; Cazaly ward typo not picked up in final proof from the printer. Collect election flyers for the record. Debrief held over to next meeting.
d. Second Code of Conduct complaint. Letter reply from the acting CEO circulated. Follow up to be considered post election. Held over for next meeting to discuss, but not let it drop.
e. Defamation threat from Councilor Laurence. Letter circulated. Agreed on further action.
f. Left over DADA signs shared and distributed.
g. More data mining: What else can we collect and how will we use it? Discussed trying to find officer approvals/refusals of planning applications.
h. Cancelled Planning Committee Meeting last night. Next one will be with the new council and on a new meeting schedule.
i. David Redfern email circulated: Reply discussed. Action: Maria to send soon.
j. Vince Fontana’s letter. Copies circulated. Discussion held over to next meeting.
2. From the papers:
a. Domain features Preston in a neighbourhood look. Examples of a single family home at $990,000 and three apartments at 910 thousand. This is the newly built ‘affordable’ housing.
b. Folk lamenting the demise of the old deco and Edwardian apartments. c. A number of articles on the amount of congestion relating to the amount of cars on the road. d. Architect, Maynard, responsible for nightingale development. New idea is to build on a ‘right of way/laneways’ e. Mr. Bowen, agrees with DADA that there is a crisis in housing for families. f. Nightingale, Sydney Road, relies on car share. g. More discussion of what good design is. h. Threat to zoning in east and south east Melbourne re: forced new infill in those protected under the NRZ. Infrastructure Victoria report.
3. Objector Updates:
4. Other Business:
Next Meeting: 7.00pm, Tuesday the 8th of November at 33 Dean Street, Preston | Post
Objection: 20-22 Thackeray Road RESERVOIR
Full Details Here: objection-to-d_389_2016-20-22-thackeray-road-reservoir-vic-3073
Number D/389/2016
Date 18/05/2016 12:00:00 AM
Location 20-22 Thackeray Road RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Construct a medium density housing development comprising the construction of of eight (8) double storey dwellings, with a reduction in the standard visitor car-parking requirement to zero as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 693+703=1396 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO ikonimides reid
Summary replace 2x family home with 4x 2 bed + 4x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 3 bed (U1, U4, U5, U8), 2 bed+ ambiguous space (U2, U3, U6, U7)
GND: KML (U1-U8)
B: 4x tandem driveway + garage, 4 x single garage
Easement along rear boundary provides limited SPOS
POOR INTERNAL AMENITY (KML similar size to single garage)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 8 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 4 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is visitor space to each 5 dwellings
requires 13 spaces in total, and plans show 12 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(5) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/389/2016 20-22 Thackeray Road RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Objection: 36 Kelsby Street RESERVOIR
Full Details Here: objection-to-d_478_2016-36-kelsby-street-reservoir-vic-3073
Number D/478/2016
Date 15/06/2016
Location 36 Kelsby Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Medium density housing development comprising the construction of six (6) double storey dwellings and a reduction in car parking (visitor space) as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Officer John Limbach
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 862 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO ikonimides reid
Summary replace family home with 5x 2 bed + 1x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 3 bed (U1), KML (U2, U3), KML+1 bed (U4, U5), 2 bed (U6)
GND: KML (U1), 1 bed (U2-U5), KML (U6)
P: tandem drive + garage (U1), single garage (U2-6)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 2 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 5 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is visitor 1 space to each 5 dwellings
requires 8 spaces in total, and plans show 7 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(5) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/478/2016 36 Kelsby Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Objection: 5 Laha Crescent PRESTON
Full Details Here: objection-to-d_435_2016-5-laha-crescent-preston-vic-3072
Number D/435/2016
Date 1/06/2016
Location 5 Laha Crescent PRESTON VIC 3072
Description Medium density housing development comprising the construction of three (3) double storey dwellings, as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Officer Matthew Cullen
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 608 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO architectural plans and permits, 2/387 station st thornbury
Summary replace family home with 1x 2 bed + 2x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 2 bed (U3, U2), 3 bed (U1)
GND: KML+1 bed (U3), KML (U2), KML (U1)
P: tandem drive + garage (U3, U1), single garage (U2)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 4 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 5 spaces in total, and plans show 5 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(5) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot.
Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/435/2016 5 Laha Crescent PRESTON VIC 3072
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Objection: 1021 High Street RESERVOIR
Full Details Here: objection-to-d_70_2016-1021-high-street-reservoir-vic-3073
Number D/70/2016
Date 3/02/2016
Location 1021 High Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description – Variation of part (c) of Covenant 1237323 which states: – No shops laundries factories or works shall be erected on the said Lot and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on any one Lot and the cost of constructing each house shall not be less than Four Hundred Pounds (inclusive of all architect’s fees and the cost of erecting any outbuildings and fences) and is proposed to state: – No shops laundries factories or works shall be erected on the said Lot and not more than 5 dwellings shall be erected on any one Lot – Medium density housing development comprising the construction of five (5) double storey dwellings, a reduction in the car parking requirement (visitor space) and alteration to a Road Zone – Category 1
Date 3/02/2016
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 962 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO arkham & my future developments pty ltd
Summary family home clear felled, replace with 2x 2 bed + 3x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 2 bed (U5), 1 bed + KML (U4, U3), 2 bed+KML (U2), K+M+L (U1)
GND: KML (U5), 1 bed (U4, U3, U2), 3 bed (U1)
P: double+ garage (U6, U2, U1), single garage (U4, U3)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 6 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 2 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is visitor 1 space to each 5 dwellings
requires 9 spaces in total, and plans show 8 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(5) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/70/2016 1021 High Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely