Darebin Appropriate Development Association Charter (November, 2022) Since 2005 Darebin Appropriate Development Association DADA, is a group of residents of Darebin concerned with inappropriate development. DADA represents and provides assistance to residents who might feel unheard and powerless when development is happening near them. DADA acts to preserve the nature and character of our welcoming community and influence planning at all levels of government to ensure appropriate … Read More.. about About DADA
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Its great to be here in a room full of passionate people all united in their concern for the long-term future of our wonderful piece of social and cultural heritage – the Preston Market.
I expect that we are all in shock and disbelief at the very possibility that such an important community asset could be at risk. I believe that our doubt and uncertainty has arisen through council indecision, a lack of information from the development consortium and a lack of information-sharing, let alone genuine consultation with the community.
As you heard in the introduction, I am a member of DADA and I would like to start my comments by making it very clear, that we at DADA are not opposed to development per se but we are opposed to poor development and poor outcomes such as: overdevelopment, poor design internally the cumulative effect of a lack of visual interest externally, and disregard for a sympathetic interface where the old meets new
We at DADA are speaking at this forum this evening because we feel compelled to join forces with you and all community groups as one voice in our opposition to the potential loss of this vital part of our community. We hope that together we can persuade the State Government, the Darebin Planning Department and the Development consortium- that what they are doing is not reasonable, not transparent, not community-minded and not beneficial for the long-term amenity of the area. We are concerned.
Can anyone provide a satisfactory response to the question: How will the proposed development contribute to the community in general and specifically to the market precinct?
Regarding our opposition to poor development, our concerns for the Preston Market are based on the evidence around us. What is the current benchmark in the Preston area?
If we take the Junction development precinct as an example, our understanding is that $3million dollars of ratepayer money was used for beautification to ‘the gateway’ to Preston. However the outcome, even with this additional resource is far from exemplary and if that is the blueprint for the market we suggest it is likely to be a treeless, harsh environment with limited air-space and a generally unwelcome atmosphere. The example of the type of building this development consortium has constructed in the area so far, that is the Centrelink building, is a hard-edged, uninteresting and dominating building – it is a building that yells at you to be noticed but unfortunately what it is yelling is: there is an absence of character here!
Perhaps some may argue that the market area is currently a treeless environment, however the low rise nature of the area, the air space, the natural light and the open environment provide key ingredients for shopper wellbeing and the sense of being in a space which is conducive to community gatherings. It is a place for people to meet and enjoy an experience that is part of our culture and history. These are important functions and deserve serious attention. Yet the only information available addressing the new space proposed – distributed in the past week – consists of a handful of visuals and a pamphlet of artist impressions of a proposed development of one part of the site plus, tellingly a disclaimer stating that all information is subject to change without notice. This is at best tokenistic and certainly does nothing to allay our fears that our community asset will be lost or at least so seriously compromised that it will no longer be the hub of vibrant cultural exchange and the genuinely distinctive shopping experience that we all currently enjoy.
This signifies the kind of disregard for existing culture to which we also object.
One criticism that has been made towards those who object is that they are just afraid of change. This old chestnut is most commonly used to veila one-eyed approach to development where the commercial interests of the few are allowed to subordinate the broader interests of the community. For a community centrepiece such as the Preston Market we cannot idly stand by while this criticism is trotted out. So we would say to this criticism – we are afraid. We are afraid of the loss of something integral to the community, we are afraid that the intention is to change the precinct of the Preston market such that its very nature is destroyed, and it becomes just another soulless place where you can buy stuff. And this speaks to a difficult argument – about the intangible value of a community space.
There are important issues around liveability. They are of a higher order than the motivations to conquer land, build structures and make money. It is hard to quantify what a place like the Preston Market can mean to people but all of you here today understand exactly what it feels like to experience the qualitiesof a sense of shared heritage, belonging, familiarity and cultural identity – and that’s what we have to keep talking about and explain until we are heard.
It’s harder to be heard however, when a strategy exists to ignore a voice. It seems to us as if the current strategy by the development consortium to split the whole development site into stages, is connected to a recognition of this development potentially threatening something out of the ordinary. The splitting of the development into stages is a way of drip-feeding us with information, which is a well-known method to both avoid and wear-down likely community opposition.
Stage one of this split, is the recently announced 4 million dollar upgrade which we see as having been offered as an enticement, but as others will expand upon, much of this upgrade is essentially redressing long-neglected health and safety requirements in the market. This of course is an important task which is very welcome. We are somewhat cynical however about the timing of this work – why now? These infrastructure maintenance tasks are long-overdue and are part of any landlords responsibility – lets not confuse them with protection of the essential and defining features of the Preston Market site, some of which I mentioned a little earlier.
The ultimate aim of the consortium in their detailed original plans as submitted to the council is for a 28 storey building with up to 1500 dwellings – although we would suggest that the term dwelling is an overly romantic description of what will amount to an excessive number of 1 and 2 bedroom places essentially catering for the come and go population.
This consortium’s plan is one example – a major example – but one example of a broader issue, that is, our council’slack of vision or a masterplan for the city of Darebin. It seems as if unfettered development is the name of the game. Development is occurring anywhere within the city rather than in liveable, well-planned well-designed and amenity- rich zones. Originally the North-South major corridors were targeted for development, with the East-West major roads not forming part of the plan and other in-fill areas being clearly restricted in terms of allowable development.
Now it seems that development is occurring in a more chaotic manner in which the push for individual developments are determining where developments happen, rather than the developments being determined by an overriding sense of how Darebin should progress into the future. In other words private developers are being allowed to lead the changing shape of our city.
The reality here is the evidence of what we have to live with.When we look around us, our suburbs are not better off and our major corridors are already looking tawdry with new, poor development. We don’t want a reoccurrence of this continuing pattern and we certainly don’t want our beloved community asset, the Preston market, degraded beyond recognition.
In the South and South-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne there are many examples of better designed buildings, than those of Darebin. So, is the apparent unwillingness of developers to design well, something to with demographic differences in the community residents or does it actually reflect a fundamental difference in councils with regard to their motivation to drive higher standards.
Something needs to change to give us a better deal. Perhaps future councillors will treat community concerns more sensitively and be more concerned with driving the agenda with regard to higher standards from developers. After all,the council is set up to represent the interests of the public, and it should at least recognise that it’s interests are not always aligned to developers.
And finally we believe that saving the Preston Market is an issue of social responsibility and that the development consortium and the council must accept the social responsibility incumbent on them. If they are not prepared to accept this responsibility, we say step aside and relinquish that responsibility to someone else.
Thank you for your time, your attention and your commitment to this vital cause.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 11th October 2016
Dear DADA Folk,
A friendly reminder that the next DADA meeting is next Tuesday, the 11th of October at 7pm, 33 Dean Street, Preston.
As always, we will be sharing objecting strategies with anyone who wants to bring planning applications. You are most welcome.
We will also have a debrief on our election campaign strategies and discuss where to go next regarding a threat of against me by a councilor. Guess who!
We will also talk about the ‘Save Preston Market’ campaign and the new parking meters that seem to be causing trouble.
Have your voting ballot’s for the council election arrived yet? For some folk they seem to be taking longer than expected but lets hope they arrive soon.
If you can’t make the meeting but want to share anything with the group you can send details to me for the agenda, including apologies.
Hope to see you soon.
Cheers, Maria
Meeting Notes: 27th September, 2016
Dear DADA folk,
We were a depleted group last time but it was great to welcome some new members.
Attached are the notes and the speech given by our President, Chris, at the Save Preston Market Community Meeting, on the same night.
Our next meeting is planned for Tuesday, October 11th at 7pm, 33 Dean Street, Preston.
The DADA ‘how to vote’ forms I hope to send you tomorrow.
Cheers, Maria
Darebin Appropriate Development Association: Protect Your Community
Inc. No. A0094111Q
Web: https://www.darebinada.org
Meeting Notes: 27th of September, 2016
Present: Sally Mendes, Maria Poletti, Mandy Baird, Maria Drossos, Maria Xenitopoulos
Apologies: Stewart Midgley, Meryl Waugh, Craig Walters, Susan Davies, Chris Erlandsen
1. Business Arising:
a. Sally suggested we go to town planner courses and ask if final year students will do pro-bono work on behalf of objectors. Action: Sally
b. Meeting with the Mayor, CEO, Manager of Finances and Manager of Planning on the 21st of April. Meeting discussed. Suggested that council prepare a checklist so that we can more easily see what the application holds. An example for feedback was circulated. Meryl has started a spread sheet to help breakdown planning applications so we can more easily assess planning applications.
c. Paypal account: Action: Craig will set up Paypal account and link it to the bank account.
d. Data from minutes of Planning Committee Meetings: Action: Mandy will have data finished by next meeting. Done: There are some patterns appearing and more data to come.
e. Planning Backlash Bill of Rights support with Fiona Patten. Circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to invite Fiona Patten to a meeting and keep in mind the bill of rights to talk to. Action: Maria to notify Mary Drost of decision. Done
f. Darebin Councils move to reject DADA objections as a trigger for planning applications to go for review at Planning Committee. The DADA rule. Action: 1. Complaint; re the Councilor Code of Conduct. Maria to take to council and pay. Reimbursement to be decided later. Done, no cost, 2-4 weeks before we hear. Pathetic response from council discussed. We should have known. 2. Letter to the local council ombudsman. 3. Letter to Minister for local government. 4. Calling in on radio. Mandy to check how to submit to 3AW council watch. 5. Facebook users to respond to posts that ask questions. Further Action: Meryl and Sally and Susan to try and record the video of the meeting.
g. Tim Laurence flyer, Maria to put on DADA blog with tag. “No time for Tim‟s tall stories” Suggested a complaint on code of conduct and to have him deregistered by the ALP. Done
h. New „How to Vote‟ design, many thanks to Harris and Melissa. More changes back to Harris for a final. Printing cheaper at Box Up and they will deliver. Design can be emailed to them. Action: Maria to contact and ask if they also do the cutting. Done Sent to printer
i. Better Apartments round two consultations on the draft standards: Chris and Maria have responded as individuals and encourage others to do the same so that our voices are heard as well as the developers and their representatives. Follow the link to respond: http://haveyoursay.delwp.vic.gov.au/better-apartments Action: Chris to respond for DADA. Done
j. Reply from council on the Code of Conduct complaint re change to planning committee charter. Discussed a lawyer‟s letter to council given the motion is illegal not legal under the Planning and Environment Act. Nicole will talk to Maria regarding lawyer support. Maria to ask Mark Tregonning if he might give us some pro-bono work. Leave until after the election.
2. New Business
a. Election Strategy Update: DADA cards, $440 spent on 10,500 copies for distribution. A3 posters laminated. After the protests we should use as street signs. Hats to be made by Maria. Gathering points and times decided for protest Saturday. Sally to talk to Jane about DCAN letterboxing Rucker Ward for us and we will letterbox Cazaly for DCAN. Saturday protests: Sally and Mandy now doing Latrobe cars and letterbox drops. Protesters to do the market car park and Northland car park.
b. Ranking the candidates. The DADA how to vote guide should include a statement about numbering every candidate. Discussed candidate order for each ward and decided first and last places.
c. Save Preston Market Community Meeting, Chris speaking on behalf of DADA. Speech attached.
d. Second Code of Conduct complaint. Letter reply from the acting CEO. Follow up to be considered post election.
e. Report on the Rucker Ward Forum: around 11 of the 15 candidates attended. Greens, Independents, Liberals and Labour. Standout candidates were Susan Rennie and Trent McCarthy. Between 40 and 60 people attended at Northcote Town Hall.
Meet your local candidates forum, Preston Neighbourhood House, Wednesday the 28th of September.
3. From the papers:
4. Objector Updates:
a. 425 Plenty Road, VCAT decision rejected council‟s decision.
5. Other Business:
Next Meeting: 7.00pm, Tuesday the 11th of October at 33 Dean Street, Preston. | Post
On Advertising: 5th October 2016
Full Details Here: darebin-_on-advertising_-and-_planning-committee_-now-05_10_2016
The aim is to help give you as much notice as possible that a development application has been been submitted near you.
If you find there is one ans want some help objecting, please contact DADA.
We can help.
Objection: 169 Broadway RESERVOIR
Full Details Here: objection-to-d_526_2016-169-broadway-reservoir-vic-3073
Number D/526/2016
Date 29/06/2016 3:45:03 PM
Location 169 Broadway RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Proposed development of four (4) dwellings as shown on the plans accompanying the application
Officer Anne Taylor
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 696 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO ikonimides reid
Summary replace family home with 12x 2 bed + 8 x 1 bed apts
L2 —————— 2 bed (U2 & U1)
L1: 2bed + disguised 3rd bed (U4& U2) KML + 1 bed (U2 & U1)
GND: KML (U4 & U3), 1 bed (U1)
P: single (U4 & U3) double carports (U2 & U1)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 4 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 2 or more bed dwelling
requires 2 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 6 spaces in total, and plans show 6 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(5) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (below) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/526/2016 169 Broadway RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Objection: 43 Victoria Street PRESTON
Number D/372/2016
Date 13/05/2016
Location 43 Victoria Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Description Proposed medium density development comprising the construction of three (3) dwellings as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Officer Chris Lelliott
Type Medium Density Housing
land siz 634 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO jost 1/67 inkerman st st kilda
Summary replace family home with 1 x 2 bed + 2 x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 2 bed (U3), 3 bed (U2, U1)
GND: KML same size as single garage (U3), as double garage (U2, U1)
P: 5 spaces
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 4 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 2 bed dwelling
requires 5 spaces in total, and plans show 5 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) Remove any objections from the proforma that do not specifically apply
(3) Add you own unique objections. Keep them general and brief.
(4) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(5) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (above) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot.
Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/372/2016 43 Victoria Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely