Darebin Appropriate Development Association Charter (November, 2022) Since 2005 Darebin Appropriate Development Association DADA, is a group of residents of Darebin concerned with inappropriate development. DADA represents and provides assistance to residents who might feel unheard and powerless when development is happening near them. DADA acts to preserve the nature and character of our welcoming community and influence planning at all levels of government to ensure appropriate … Read More.. about About DADA
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Next Meeting: Tuesday 27th September 2016
The next meeting is the last before voting begins in the council election.
I hope to send you more information to help you use your vote wisely for better representation on Darebin Council.
If you would like to come along to the meeting to discuss issue relating to development in Darebin, the council election or the objection process, you are most welcome.
Hope to see you there
If you can’t make the meeting but have updates to share send them to me and I will include them on the agenda.
cheers, Maria
Next Meeting:
Tuesday the 27th of September
33 Dean Street, Preston.
THE NOW LIST: August 24th 2016
Here is the list of all the planning proposals currently being advertised by Darebin Council.
It is very long but worth checking to see what is planned for your neighbourhood and community.
Checking the list will help you get ahead of the process if you want to object and much easier than walking your streets waiting for yellow or green signs to go up.
Objection: 41 Albert Street PRESTON
Number D/302/2016
Date 15/04/2016
Location 41 Albert Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Description Construct a medium density housing development comprising of three (3) double storey dwellings as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Officer Marisia Hammerton
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 643 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO ikonimides reid
Summary family home replaces with 1x 2 bed + 2x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 3 bed (U1), 2 bed (U2, U3)
GND: KML (all) , 3rd bed disguised as study (U2)
P: double garage (U1), single garage (U2, U3)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 4 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed bed dwelling
requires 5 spaces in total, and plans show 4 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (below) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/302/2016 41 Albert Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Objection: 8-10 Pellew Street RESERVOIR
Number D/757/2015
Date 17/09/2015
Location 8-10 Pellew Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Development of six (6) double storey dwellings and a reduction to the visitor car parking as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Officer Jolyon Boyle
Type Mixed Use Development
land size 613+624=1237 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO donnan and john konidaris
Summary replace 2 x family homes with 4x 2 bed + 2x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 3 bed (U1-U3), 2 bed (U4-U6)
GND: KML for all
P: double garage (U1-U2), single garage (U4-U6)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 4 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 4 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is 1 space for visitors to each 5 dwellings
requires 9 spaces in total, and plans show 8 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (below) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/757/2015 8-10 Pellew Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Meeting Notes: 23rd August 2016
Dear DADA Folk,
We met last night and talked until late. Were glad, as always, to welcome new folk.
The notes are attached.
Cheers, Maria.
Darebin Appropriate Development Association: Protect Your Community
Inc. No. A0094111Q
Web: https://www.darebinada.org
Meeting Notes: 23rd of August, 2016
Present: Sally Mendes, Craig Walters, Susan Davies, Chris Erlandsen, Maria Poletti, Anne Laver, Mandy Baird, Josephine Knight, John Fleischi, Lori-anne Sharp.
Apologies: Stewart Midgley, Meryl Waugh
1. Business Arising:
a. Sally suggested we go to town planner courses and ask if final year students will do pro-bono work on behalf of objectors. Action: Sally
b. Meeting with the Mayor, CEO, Manager of Finances and Manager of Planning on the 21st of April. Meeting discussed. Suggested that council prepare a checklist so that we can more easily see what the application holds. An example for feedback was circulated. Meryl has started a spread sheet to help breakdown planning applications so we can more easily assess planning applications.
c. Paypal account: Action: Craig will set up Paypal account and link it to the bank account.
d. Data from minutes of Planning Committee Meetings: Action: Mandy will have data finished by next meeting. Done: There are some patterns appearing and more data to come.
e. Action: Craig to find and deposit missing funds ($50) Done
f. Planning Backlash Bill of Rights support with Fiona Patten. Circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to invite Fiona Patten to a meeting and keep in mind the bill of rights to talk to. Action: Maria to notify Mary Drost of decision. Done
g. Questions to Council. Action: Chris to write out questions for next meeting. Sally suggests we notify the paper of our questions ahead of time. Done
h. Darebin Councils move to reject DADA objections as a trigger for planning applications to go for review at Planning Committee. The DADA rule. Action: 1. Complaint; re the Councilor Code of Conduct. Maria to take to council and pay. Reimbursement to be decided later. Done, no cost, 2-4 weeks before we hear. Pathetic response from council discussed. We should have known. 2. Letter to the local council ombudsman. 3. Letter to Minister for local government. 4. Calling in on radio. Mandy to check how to submit to 3AW council watch. 5. Facebook users to respond to posts that ask questions. Further Action: Meryl and Sally and Susan to try and record the video of the meeting.
i. Letter box maps, document circulated and discussed add a year 2015/16 to how to vote form. And incorporation number at bottom. Action: Sally to contact Jane from DCAN to ask if we can join forces to letterbox. Done Jane said maybe, but wants to see our slip first. DCAN will not distribute in Latrobe. The idea of amalgamating slips was rejected.
j. Tim Laurence flyer, Maria to put on DADA blog with tag. “No time for Tim‟s tall stories” Suggested a complaint on code of conduct and to have him deregistered by the ALP. Done
k. Anne Laver from Northcote Rate Payers Association to start in Darebin. They are organizing a meeting on Saturday the 20th of August at St Mary’s School Hall at 10am. Progress Association would be a good contact. Anne, to ask questions at council meeting regarding issues arising from audit report. Action: Maria to add note on DADA network email. Done Feedback from meeting: Not many people, but representatives from the Darebin Progress Assoc there & good value. Interested in joining forces on common issues. Only other attendees Greens candidates. In the end, not sure that much was achieved, but Ann is keen & says she’ll be coming to more DADA meetings as she is able.
l. Rudy Anders made a donation and sent a great compliment. Action: Maria ask Rudy if we can use his comments on our website. Done Add information on joining by sending a cheque in the snail mail. Done
2. New Business:
a. Complaint from Melissa Thyer regarding including her and Greg‟s name in the notes. Circulated notes from Darebin Women‟s Committee that lists all present and names of both officers and residents and the work they do in a public document. Decided we need to be very clear from now on that we will not meet under a cloak of confidentiality. DADA does not consider the meeting with Melissa and Greg from Strategic Planning a community consultation and council haven‟t ticked any boxes here. Sally and Chris thought Melissa‟s presentation was excellent but not relevant for DADA. They also felt offended that someone was needed to moderate.
b. New „How to Vote‟ design, many thanks to Harris and Melissa. More changes back to Harris for a final. Printing cheaper at Box Up and they will deliver. Design can be emailed to them. Action: Maria to contact and ask if they also do the cutting.
c. Election Strategy: Forum with DCAN or Politics in the Pub discussed and rejected.
d. Article in Leader on Tim Laurence‟s flyer discussed. Very disappointed that council will only act if there is a complaint. Option of a complaint re code of conduct rejected at this stage.
e. Reply from council on the Code of Conduct complaint re change to planning committee charter. Discussed a lawyer‟s letter to council given the motion is illegal not legal under the Planning and Environment Act. Nicole will talk to Maria regarding lawyer support. Maria to ask Mark Tregonning if he might give us some pro-bono work. Leave until after the election.
f. No contact from channel 9, we missed out. Chris wrote something but got response.
g. Better Apartments round two consultations on the draft standards: Chris and Maria have responded as individuals and encourage others to do the same so that our voices are heard as well as the developers and their representatives. Follow the link to respond: http://haveyoursay.delwp.vic.gov.au/better-apartments Action: Chris to respond for DADA.
3. From the papers:
a. Leader newspaper today; Article on Tim Laurence‟s flyer
b. The Age, Making dog boxes more livable, about the draft standards for Better Apartments.
c. Apartments flow to the suburbs outside the CBD, The Age
d. Mildura tops Melbourne in house price growth. The Age.
e. Preston has emerged as Darebin‟s property market to watch, from the Leader
f. The Age article on Vic. Market and the support by Sigrid Thornton. Parallels with Preston Market redevelopment. Discussed engaging Denise Scott to see if she shops there and is willing to be a public face for a fight to save it from over-development.
g. The Age, Pretending to listen is not enough.
h. Big developers say we are in the golden decade for development.
i. Reserve Bank drops interest rates, number of dwellings under construction had increased and those on the waiting list have also increased to an over-supply level.
j. Camberwell Junction development talked up like it is the new Times Square with a super tram stop.
4. Objector Updates:
a. 30 Cramer Street, near St Georges road where the trucks park. Green site as a notice going straight to VCAT.
b. 305 Plenty Road, preparing statement of grounds, Maria to send John two Plenty Road VCAT rulings
5. Other Business:
a. Lori Anne Sharpe – Running as a real independent at council.
c. Josephine Grove has three properties with for sale notices. Two connected and ripe for development.
d. Greg Nichol’s at Darebin Council has been authorizing the cutting down of street trees on request from residents. Council appears to have thrown out their street tree policy.
Next Meeting: 7.00pm, Tuesday the 27th of September at 33 Dean Street, Preston | Post
Objection: 105 Barton Street RESERVOIR
Number D/307/2016
Date 18/04/2016
Location 105 Barton Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description Construct five (5) double storey dwellings and reduce the visitor car parking space to zero as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Officer Paul Miziewicz
Type Medium Density Housing
land size 982 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO ikonimides reid
Summary family home replaces with 3x 2 bed + 2x 3 bed units
relies upon open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (KML)
L1: 3 bed (U1,U5), 2 bed (U3), 1 bed ((U2, U4)
GND: KML (U1, U5) , KML + 1 bed (U2, U4), KML U3
P: tandem driveway + garage (U1), double garage (U5), carport (U2-4)
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 4 spaces, rule is 2 space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 3 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed bed dwelling
requires 1 spaces, rule is 1 space for visitors to each 5 dwellings
requires 8 spaces in total, and plans show 7 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (below) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/307/2016 105 Barton Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
objection_d307_2016_105_barton_rd_reservoir b
Yours Sincerely