Darebin Appropriate Development Association Charter (November, 2022) Since 2005 Darebin Appropriate Development Association DADA, is a group of residents of Darebin concerned with inappropriate development. DADA represents and provides assistance to residents who might feel unheard and powerless when development is happening near them. DADA acts to preserve the nature and character of our welcoming community and influence planning at all levels of government to ensure appropriate … Read More.. about About DADA
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Meeting Notes: 9th August 2016
Dear DADA Folk,
We have been meeting more often to plan for the council elections in October. Notes outlining strategies are attached.
If you can help with protesting or letterbox dropping in your area please get in touch.
We are not the only community organization who are working for better representation on Council.
A group of interested residents would like to rebirth the Ratepayers Association on Darebin. They are meeting on Saturday the 20th of August at 10am at St Mary’s Church Hall in Thornbury. We are planning to attend, please go if you can.
Cheers, Maria
Darebin Appropriate Development Association: Protect Your Community
Inc. No. A0094111Q
Web: www.darebinada.org
Meeting Notes: 9th of August, 2016
Present: Sally Mendes, Craig Walters, Susan Davies, Chris Erlandsen, Maria Poletti, Anne Laver, Meryl Waugh
Apologies: Stewart Midgley, Mandy Baird
1. Business Arising:
a. Sally suggested we go to town planner courses and ask if final year students will do pro-bono work on behalf of objectors. Action: Sally
b. Meeting with the Mayor, CEO, Manager of Finances and Manager of Planning on the 21st of April. Meeting discussed. Suggested that council prepare a checklist so that we can more easily see what the application holds. An example for feedback was circulated. Meryl has started a spread sheet to help breakdown planning applications so we can more easily assess planning applications.
c. Paypal account: Action: Craig will set up Paypal account and link it to the bank account.
d. Data from minutes of Planning Committee Meetings: Action: Mandy will have data finished by next meeting. Nearly Done: There are some patterns appearing and more data to come.
e. DADA how to vote Cards; Maria presented changes from last meeting. Discussion of details for the back of the card. Actions: Maria to make changes and bring back to next meeting. Mandy to send Maria the final data and Sally and Maria to double check that it is correct. Maria to make final changes as suggested and photocopy. Maria to check if needs registering Done, No registration needed but lawyer check suggested and adding the inc. number.
f. $30 in the bank. Action: Craig to find and deposit missing funds ($50)
g. Election strategies: Plan circulated and names attached. Action: Maria to send signs for printing to Mandy. Done
h. Planning Backlash Bill of Rights support with Fiona Patten. Circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to invite Fiona Patten to a meeting and keep in mind the bill of rights to talk to. Action: Maria to notify Mary Drost of decision. Done
i. Questions to Council. Does the developer’s contribution cover the cost, in full, of council processing planning applications or are ratepayers funds spent on processing planning applications? What percentage of the costs of processing planning applications is paid by ratepayers? What is council doing to ensure that developers cover these costs? Deferred further discussion to next meeting. Action: Chris to write out questions for next meeting. Sally suggests we notify the paper of our questions ahead of time. Done
j. Darebin Councils move to reject DADA objections as a trigger for planning applications to go for review at Planning Committee. The DADA rule. Action: 1. Complaint; re the Councilor Code of Conduct. Maria to take to council and pay. Reimbursement to be decided later. Done, no cost, 2-4 weeks before we hear. 2. Letter to the local council ombudsman. Chris to write and send letter. Done Phone call from Ombudsman; does not deal with councilor behavior issues more content. We need to point out what we see is unreasonable. Exhaust council process first and then proceed. We need to point out who was involved in preparing the report ie. Which council officers. 3. Letter to Minister for local government. 4. Calling in on radio. Mandy to check how to submit to 3AW council watch. 5. Facebook users to respond to posts that ask questions. Further Action: Meryl and Sally and Susan to try and record the video of the meeting.
k. Meeting Melissa Thyer, Action: Sally and Chris meeting Melissa. Done Council would like us to participate in strategic planning area. Community consultation about neighbourhood character. Back to C152 in 18 months or so. Melissa spoke about her community work. A bit of a feeling of it being a distraction. Interesting that Greg was there to moderate. We were invited to participate in another meeting, Sally and Chris happy to follow up on that. Giving us an opportunity at the table but really just ticking boxes. Both council officers seemed surprised to hear the extent of what DADA does.
l. The Age, July 13th, Access to housing is a basic human right. Dr Matthew Beard, Sydney. Writes for The Conversation on Ethical development. Action: Maria to do more research in this field.
2. New Business:
a. DADA objecting criteria. In the light of the council DADA rule can we go to supporting any member who objects and would like our support? A new member has asked for support on a duel occupancy application. Invite the new member to a meeting to bring plans to discuss with us but do not bulk object to duel occupancy applications.
b. Election Strategies, document circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to make changes
c. Letter box maps, document circulated and discussed add a year 2015/16 to how to vote form. And incorporation number at bottom. Action: Sally to contact Jane from DCAN to ask if we can join forces to letterbox.
d. Tim Laurence flyer, Maria to put on DADA blog with tag. “No time for Tim’s tall stories” Suggested a complaint on code of conduct and to have him deregistered by the ALP.
e. New VCAT fees and Statement of Grounds: It costs $19.50 to be a party and speak at a hearing. Still possible to put in the Statement of Grounds and ask somebody to speak on your behalf. $19.50 is the full fee but it is still possible to apply for reduction. The new Statement of Grounds form allows lodging on others behalf.
f. Anne Laver from Northcote Rate Payers Association to start in Darebin. They are organizing a meeting on Saturday the 20th of August at St Mary’s School Hall at 10am. Progress Association would be a good contact. Anne, to ask questions at council meeting regarding issues arising from audit report. Action: Maria to add note on DADA network email.
3. From the papers:
d. The Age, Thursday August the 4th. By Clay Lucas, planning crackdown hits wall. Moreland using own better apartments criteria, Council says it needs better planning laws for better design but Minister for Planning does not want Councils to proceed without Government authority which seems to be taking forever.
4. Finances:
a. $270.22, $50 owing from Craig. Rudy Anders made a donation and sent a great compliment. Action: Maria ask Rudy if we can use his comments on our website. Also add how folk can join sending a cheque in the snail mail.
5. Objector Updates:
a. 425 Plenty Road, Interim ruling, involves a process new to DADA.
b. 99 Helen Street, straight to VCAT.
6. Other Business:
Next Meetings: 7.00pm, Tuesday the 23rd August, then Tuesday the 27th of September at 33 Dean Street, Preston.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th August 2016
Dear DADA Folk,
A reminder that we have planned a meting next Tuesday night the 9th of August at 7pm, 33 Dean Street, Preston.
We will mostly be discussing council election strategies and, as always, helping anybody who comes along with the objecting process.
Hope to see you there.
Cheers, Maria
Number D/465/2015
Date 30/06/2015
Location 36-46 High Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Description Mixed use development comprising: – Buildings and works consisting of a 12 storey building (plus three (3) levels of basement and part mezzanine); – Use as 90 dwellings; – A reduction in the car parking requirement associated with use as 90 dwellings and two (2) retail premises; – Waiver of the loading/ unloading requirements associated with use as two (2) retail premises; on land affected by a Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 3 (DDO3) as shown on the plans submitted with the application.
Type Mixed Use Development
Officer John Limbach
land size 1018 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO rothe lowman property pty ltd 1/153 sturt st southbank
Summary Former non-residential site gets a tower block with
x2 small shops (58 + 71 sq m) and 48x 1 bed + 42x 2 bed = 90 small apartments
L4-L11: 8x levels, each is 5x 1 bed + 4x 2 bed apts
L2-L3: 2x levels, each is 4x 1 bed + 5x 2 bed apts
L1: 18 P
GND: shops (2x 128 sq m) + 13 P
B1-B3: 3 levels, each is x20 P
POOR INTERNAL AMENITY 48x 1 BED APTS (45.7 – 52.9 sq m),
x2 OUTSTANDING 1 bed apts (L2, L3), entry via toilet, access to bed room via balcony
Artificial ventillation for all bathrooms, toilets and kitchens
corridor kitchens for half of the 2 bed apts
access for 90+ vehicles to 5 levels is via x2 car lifts = internal and external traffic jams
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 90 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 18 spaces for visitors, rule is 1 space to each 5 dwelling
requires ? spaces for retail staff and customers
requires >108 in total, and plans show 91 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1) Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (below) plans and objection form.
available here https://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/465/2015 36-46 High Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
objection_d0465_2015_36_46_high_st_preston b
Yours Sincerely
Objection: 90 Barry Street RESERVOIR
Number D/50/2016
Date 1/02/2016
Location 90 Barry Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Description A medium density housing development comprised of the construction of three (3) double-storey dwellings on land affected by the Special Building Overlay, as shown on the plans accompanying the application.
Type Medium Density Housing
Officer Deniz Yener-Korematsu
land size 617 sq m (details found via http://gis.darebin.org)
see https://www.google.com.au/maps
WHO galgano and paolini
Summary replace family home with 3x 2 bed units
L1: 1 bed (U3 U2), 1 bed + 3rd bed disguised as “retreat” (U1)
GND:1 bed + open plan kitchen/meals/lounge (U1-3)
P: carport (U3) single garage (U2 & U1)
see http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/44_05.pdf
U1 POOR INTERNAL AMENITY living area same size as single garage
Parking http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/schemes/vpps/52_06.pdf
requires 2 spaces, rule is 2space to each 3 or more bed dwelling
requires 2 spaces, rule is 1 space to each 1 or 2 bed dwelling
requires 5 spaces in total, and plans show 4 spaces
(1) objection form first page, top half, add your name and contact details with
“phone number=WITH HELD, communication from the developer is to be in writing ”
(2) last page, lower section, add your name or signature and todays date
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
(1)Print and or photocopy multiples of the resident letter (below) plans and objection form.
available herehttps://www.darebinada.org/category/objections
(2) Walk surrounding streets. If you knock on doors you can discuss the proposal and get neighbours to sign the objection on the spot. Alternatively you can drop the information in their letterbox and follow up with a visit later.
(3) Send to Darebin town planning by email, fax, mail or in person
Post to: PO BOX 91 Preston 3072. Fax 8470 8877 ATTENTION: TOWN PLANNING
email: townplanning@darebin.vic.gov.au
subject: Objection to D/50/2016 90 Barry Street RESERVOIR VIC 3073
Dear Darebin Planning
Please find attached an objection to this planning proposal.
objection_d0050_2016_90_barry_st_reservoir b
Yours Sincerely
Meeting Notes: 26th July 2016
Dear DADA Folk,
We have been busy giving ourselves much to do leading up to the council election in October.
If you can help in any way please let me know. Dropping the how to vote material in your neighbourhood letterboxes would be a great help.
Happy reading. Maria
Darebin Appropriate Development Association: Protect Your Community
Inc. No. A0094111Q
Web: https://www.darebinada.org
Meeting Notes: 26th of July, 2016 Present: Marion Coffey, Keith Coffey, Mandy Baird, Sally Mendes, Craig Walters, Susan Davies Chris Erlandsen, Maria Poletti,
Apologies: Stewart Midgley, Meryl Waugh
1. Business Arising:
a. Sally suggested we go to town planner courses and ask if final year students will do pro-bono work on behalf of objectors. Action: Sally
b. Meeting with the Mayor, CEO, Manager of Finances and Manager of Planning on the 21st of April. Meeting discussed. Suggested that council prepare a checklist so that we can more easily see what the application holds. An example for feedback was circulated. Meryl has started a spread sheet to help breakdown planning applications so we can more easily assess planning applications.
c. Paypal account: Action: Craig will set up Paypal account and link it to the bank account.
d. Data from minutes of Planning Committee Meetings: Action: Mandy will have data finished by next meeting. Nearly Done: There are some patterns appearing and more data to come.
e. DADA how to vote Cards; Maria presented changes from last meeting. Discussion of details for the back of the card. Actions: Maria to make changes and bring back to next meeting. Mandy to send Maria the final data and Sally and Maria to double check that it is correct. Maria to make final changes as suggested and photocopy. Maria to check if needs registering Done, no registration needed but lawyer check suggested.
f. $30 in the bank. Action: Craig to find and deposit missing funds ($50)
g. Election strategies: Plan circulated and names attached. Action: Maria to send signs for printing to Mandy. Done
h. Planning Backlash Bill of Rights support with Fiona Patten. Circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to invite Fiona Patten to a meeting and keep in mind the bill of rights to talk to. Action: Maria to notify Mary Drost of decision. Done
i. Questions to Council. Does the developer’s contribution cover the cost, in full, of council processing planning applications or are ratepayers funds spent on processing planning applications? What percentage of the costs of processing planning applications is paid by ratepayers? What is council doing to ensure that developers cover these costs? Deferred further discussion to next meeting. Action: Chris to write out questions for next meeting. Sally suggests we notify the paper of our questions ahead of time.
j. Keith has sent a submission regarding a vacant kindergarten site owned by council and up for sale. Submission for community use at a low cost. Action: Keith will bring back to us for DADA support.
2. New Business:
a. Darebin Councils move to reject DADA objections as a trigger for planning applications to go for review at Planning Committee. The DADA rule. Action: 1. Complaint; re the Councilor Code of Conduct. Maria to take to council and pay. Reimbursement to be decided later. 2. Letter to the local council ombudsman. Chris to write and send letter. 3. Letter to Minister for local government. 4. Calling in on radio. Mandy to check how to submit to 3AW council watch. 5. Facebook users to respond to posts that ask questions.
b. Possible fake DADA objections? If anybody is told anything regarding DADA objections ask for a copy so it can be checked against what was actually submitted.
c. How to vote card: current version circulated and discussed. Action: Maria to make further adjustments for final decision next meeting. Mandy to get last of data to Maria.
d. Strategic Planning 2014/2015 document circulated and discussed showing Darebin is behind other councils in processing planning applications. The data is from 2014/2015.
e. Meeting Melissa Thyer, Action: Sally and Chris are looking forward to meeting Melissa. They will arrange a convenient time for all and report back.
f. Sharing Jessica Doyle’s election details. Ok to send DADA network her link. Decided that we could do that if Candidates came and spoke at a meeting and we felt we could support them.
3. From the papers:
a. The Leader, 26th July, Page 3 article on Councilors motion on change of the Planning Committee meeting. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/north/darebin-council-votes-to-restrict-planning-application-objections/news-story/f9e2beb9ed3c9bc30942ee00d08b3028 b. The Age, 26th July, Melbourne City Council, Melbourne city council are paying developers if they don’t build. c. The Age, 26th July, 0rmond Station high-rise. First example of Andrew’s government to build over stations. d. The Age, Monday July 25th, city of Wyndham like Darebin lacking necessary of infrastructure e. The Age, July 13th, Access to housing is a basic human right. Dr Matthew Beard, Sydney. Writes for The Conversation on Ethical development. Action: Maria to do more research in this field. f. The Leader. Charter Bank in Northcote. DADA quoted. g. The Age, Monday July 25th, letters to the editor. Great ideas from residents. h. Green Washing, The Age, Sat July 23rd, buyers are being warned to check fake green credentials. i. The Leader, Pace development, Northcote, 114 one and two apartments. Survey Company Urbus. j. The Age, Finance section, Cold comfort for first home buyers. Reducing interest rates effects investment in what is already bought. Much tougher to save up 10 percent deposits.
4. Finances:
a. $195.06, $50 owing
5. Objector Updates:
a. 27 Murphy Grove, VCAT rejected the application. Just over a week from hearing. Ruling very light on for detail but rejected around character and incremental change.
6. Other Business:
Next Meetings: 7.00pm
at 33 Dean Street, Preston.
Objection Update Preston: 27 Murphy Grove Preston
Here is the VCAT ruling to uphold Darebin Council’s decision to refuse the planning application for 27 Murphy Grove.
It may be useful material for future objections and VCAT cases.